Here are some of the services I like:
-One Sentence
-43 Things
-Yahoo Answers
-Color Blend
The service I would like to become more familiar with is Yahoo Answers. I have a yahoo account already and love yahoo. Next to Google I use Yahoo all the time. Sometimes I am kind of reluctant of using online question and answer websites because many of them like have more advertisements than information. However, yahoo may have a few advertisements but not as many compared to other sites.
30 April 2008
web 2.0 awards
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Google Docs and Zoho
Since I work at the Whiting Reading Center we do not have programs really because we are so small. However, I think this would be a great program to recommend to our patrons who forget to save their stuff and wind up losing it. This is a great way for them to be able to save work online with being able to access it any time they go on the internet. I like both Google Docs and Zoho because they are very similar to Microsoft Word so for younger people like myself who have been taught Word in elementary school.
These are both great programs for the library system to utilize. One of the advantages of both websites is being able to work on them anywhere with internet connection. I know if computers do not have powerpoint this would be an excellent way to do a presentation.
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 11:48 AM 0 comments
19 April 2008
Having fun in the Sandbox
I had so much fun playing in the sandbox! I found it was really easy for me to use because I have sites such as myspace, livejournal and even this blog that have similar features. I have also created other webpages through aol which is why I did not have any problem linking my blog to ocl webthings blog. Pbwiki is a great site for employees to keep informed on what's is going on. Last year I volunteered in an elementary school computer lab. I think pbwiki would be a great program for computer teachers to use with students. As part of my volunteering I would update websites of any of the teachers that had them. It would be a lot easier to have all updates on one page. Plus it would be a great activity for teachers to do with students.
Pbwiki is very similar to programs that colleges have for teachers to share information with students. Right now I have some professors who post assignments on what is called "shared files" that they can control. This would be great for libraries to use. For instance: instead of having to email everyone we can just put an attachment online that way everyone can get it.
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 2:50 PM 0 comments
I must admitt I am a big fan of wikipedia just to look information up real quick however, I was always taught in school not to use the website as a source for research papers. Now I know to check the history and discussion tabs to see if the information is copyrighted. I looked at the OCL article on wikipedia and checked the history and discussion tabs. Wikipedia used the ocean county library website as a source. Someone also corrected a mistake, they changed country to county. I never really knew the history of the OCL until I read that article.
So of course I was curious and had to look up some wikis. Here are some I found:
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 1:59 PM 0 comments
17 April 2008
Library 2.0 / Web 2.0
Away From the Icebergs
I thought for the icebergs "Row your library boat into the Web 2.0 environment" was a very cute and catchy phrase. The article has some great points such as libraries having more resoures available to patrons that they don't need to get a "just in case collection." I know some books or movies we get numerous copies like any of the Harry Potter books, or any movie that just comes out on dvd. I remember when the last Harry Potter book came out all branches, I just looked it up and we have 142 copies in the system! I know from working at Whiting we do not have a lot of kids come in our branch due to heavy senior citizen population and I have not seen one of those books get checked out since they were on hold for everyone last year. I know a great way to prevent mass amounts of movies is to have a movie night at the library. If we have programs the one of the first days a new dvd comes out then not as many people will have need to put it on hold.
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Getting Familiar with Technorati
I set up a Technorati account which I thought was really easy. They only ask you for an email, password and username. First I searched around the site and searched for "disney" and "ronald reagan" (he is my favorite President) I found a lot of interesting blogs a few Disney ones were about peoples' vacations in Disneyworld and best places to stay. I was surprised to see how many blogs about Ronald Reagan were related to the upcoming Presidental election.
I claimed this blog on my technorati account and titled it "ocl webthings" so if it will show up if anyone types in ocl webthings. I added two sites two my favorites so far, one about Ronald Reagan and another about Right-winged Politics. There really is some cool blogs out there. I was not sure how to delete a blog on favorites because I accidentally added all of the blogs from the website the Ronald Reagan article was from. So I clicked on the help button and went to FAQ. Then I put in the word favorite and the question came up how to delete a favorite. It is really simple all you have to do is click on a little red x when you open up your favorites.
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 11:11 AM 0 comments
12 April 2008
Thing 13
There were things that I did and did not like about I was so suprised to find that there are over 27 million blogs which has doubled in the last five months. I wonder how many blogs there will be in 5 months from now. I think it is very easy to find information by tags. I also like that I can make a shared reading list.
The one thing I did not like about was having to download the toolbar onto the computer. I don't mind downloading it onto my laptop but I did not want to download it on another computer. I did create an account but am going to have to wait until I get home until I can set it up. Luckily, Desiree already made an account and showed me how it works.
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 12:37 PM 0 comments
07 April 2008
NetLibrary and World Cat
The one thing I really like about NetLibrary is the site is easy to navigate. I searched for a couple of things: including politics, some Presidents from the past and my favorite F. Scott Fitzgerald. I also looked up popular authors like Mark Twain and Victor Hugo. I was not surprised to see we had a lot of Mark Twain's writings as ebooks. If anyone came in the library and needed assistance on NetLibrary I feel pretty confident that I would be able to show them how to use it.
The first book I searched on World Cat was 7th Heaven--James Patterson's new one. I knew we have it and I figured a lot of other libraries would have it to. Ocean County library popped up first and then Monmouth County. When I typed in one of my college text books, the closest library that had the book was in ENGLAND!!! That was really suprising to me. I think World Cat would definitely help people fill out Inter Library Loans. I think if we taught more people how to fill them out properly more people would use them.
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 5:28 PM 1 comments
05 April 2008
Library thing
I love the Library Thing website. I actually have a little journal that I keep a list of all the books I read. Now I am going to upload them all onto Library Thing too. What a great website. I like reading other peoples' views on books I read and see if they like them or not. One of my favorite books is the Great Gatsby and I saw that some people did not like it. Then there are books that I do not like that other people love. It is really interesting.
Here is my website. Check 0ut some of the books I added.
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 2:52 PM 2 comments
technology related blog
Technology is wonderful! I got one of my favorite gadgets this Christmas for my laptop. You hook it up to the laptop and can put various sized memory cards from cameras. So now I can upload all the pictures I take onto my laptop by connecting the memory card to my laptop. If they did not have this device then I would have to upload the pictures on to my house computer since we have a hp printer that has a built in memory card reader. It is just easier for me to do it directly onto my laptop since I always use it!
Posted by CinderellaL0VE13 at 2:18 PM 0 comments