17 April 2008

Getting Familiar with Technorati

I set up a Technorati account which I thought was really easy. They only ask you for an email, password and username. First I searched around the site and searched for "disney" and "ronald reagan" (he is my favorite President) I found a lot of interesting blogs a few Disney ones were about peoples' vacations in Disneyworld and best places to stay. I was surprised to see how many blogs about Ronald Reagan were related to the upcoming Presidental election.
I claimed this blog on my technorati account and titled it "ocl webthings" so if it will show up if anyone types in ocl webthings. I added two sites two my favorites so far, one about Ronald Reagan and another about Right-winged Politics. There really is some cool blogs out there. I was not sure how to delete a blog on favorites because I accidentally added all of the blogs from the website the Ronald Reagan article was from. So I clicked on the help button and went to FAQ. Then I put in the word favorite and the question came up how to delete a favorite. It is really simple all you have to do is click on a little red x when you open up your favorites.