07 April 2008

NetLibrary and World Cat

The one thing I really like about NetLibrary is the site is easy to navigate. I searched for a couple of things: including politics, some Presidents from the past and my favorite F. Scott Fitzgerald. I also looked up popular authors like Mark Twain and Victor Hugo. I was not surprised to see we had a lot of Mark Twain's writings as ebooks. If anyone came in the library and needed assistance on NetLibrary I feel pretty confident that I would be able to show them how to use it.

The first book I searched on World Cat was 7th Heaven--James Patterson's new one. I knew we have it and I figured a lot of other libraries would have it to. Ocean County library popped up first and then Monmouth County. When I typed in one of my college text books, the closest library that had the book was in ENGLAND!!! That was really suprising to me. I think World Cat would definitely help people fill out Inter Library Loans. I think if we taught more people how to fill them out properly more people would use them.


Unknown said...

This is a great blog post. It shows that you really took the challenge seriously and thoughtfully for NetLibrary and World Cat.
Web Challenge Committee Member